Referral Partners
Send your Clients to Dress for Success
Interested in sending your clients to Dress for Success San Francisco?
After you complete our Referral Partner Agreement, you can immediately begin referring clients.
Once we have a client's information, we will work with them directly to schedule appointments and provide them with Professional Clothing and/or Career Coaching services.
Virtual Partner Orientation
We host virtual orientations on a regular basis. At these presentations, we share information about all of our programs, how to refer a client, and how to best partner with us.
For upcoming dates and any questions, please contact

Homeless Prenatal Program
Homeless Prenatal Program Mission: In partnership with our families, break the cycle of childhood poverty.
The Homeless Prenatal Program is a nationally-recognized family resource center in San Francisco that empowers homeless and low-income families, particularly mothers motivated by pregnancy and parenthood, to find within themselves the strength and confidence they need to transform their lives. For more information, please visit:
Laura Close, Supportive Housing Case Manager:
"I have referred many of my clients to Dress for Success San Francisco who were seeking additional support in job readiness and in need of professional work attire for interviews and employment. Our partnership has benefitted many women in their journey of professional development. Thank you, Dress for Success!"
100% College Prep
Abode Services
Alice Griffith Housing
America Works
Arriba Juntos
Cal Youth
Calworks, Human Services Agency - Mission and Oakdale locations
Covenant House
Downtown Streets Team
Equility Inclusion in Hospitality
Fred Finch
Housing Authority of the County of Alameda
Hamilton Families
Healthright 360
Healthright 360 FOTEP
Homeless Prenatal
Hospitality House
Huckleberry Youth
Jelani House
La Casa de las Madres
Larkin Street Services
Mercy Housing
Mission Neighborhood Centers - Young Queens on the Rise
Mission Hiring Hall
Native American Health Center
No Violence Alliance (NoVA)
Positive Resource Center
Raphael House
Roots Clinic
Safe and Sound
San Mateo Human Services Agency
San Francisco Public Library
Sister's Circle
St. Anthony's
St. Vincent de Paul
Sunset Youth
Tenderloin Housing
Third Street Youth
UCSF Citywide
Urban Services YMCA
Year Up
YMCA Urban Services
Young Women's Freedom Center