Office Closure Announcement (June 14-July 30)
Dress for Success San Francisco: Office Closure Announcement
Dear friends of Dress for Success San Francisco,
We wanted to share some important news with you regarding our office operations. Our San Francisco office will be temporarily closed from June 14 through July 30. This closure is part of a much-needed refresh after more than 15 years in our current space. We are excited to update our facilities and continue to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for the incredible women we serve.
Programs & Client Services - on pause June 14-July 30
Our in-person programs (Career Wardrobe & Drop-In Career Center) will be paused from June 14-July 30. If you need clothing during that time, our San Jose office will be open except for July 1-5.
Our Virtual Programs will still be running - this includes one-on-one coaching and our Professional Women’s Group.
If you have additional questions about programs, please email
Clothing Donations - on pause June 1-July 25
We cannot accepting any clothing donations from June 1-July 25. This includes Corporate Drive Drop Offs.
We know how much our community values the opportunity to contribute, and we will gladly resume accepting clothing donations once we reopen.
If the refresh is completed on time, we will be hosting a two-day donation drive on Friday, July 26 and Saturday, July 27. Updates and the sign up link will be available here.
Donations During The Pause
While we cannot accept clothing donations at this time, we would greatly appreciate your continued support through financial contributions. Your donations are crucial in helping us reopen the Career Wardrobe in August, fully stocked and ready to empower more women on their journey to success.
In addition, you can donate items to the Community Thrift Store and note “Dress for Success San Francisco” as your preferred charity. If the items sell, we will get a small financial donation.
We look forward to welcoming you back to our newly refreshed space and continuing our mission to empower women to achieve economic independence. Thank you for your ongoing support and understanding during this time of transition.
Warm regards,
The Dress for Success San Francisco Team